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In recognition of the importance and power of prayer we’ll be meeting together each month and sharing in breakfast and spirit led prayer.  Praying for our church, each other, our community and nation.


(There will be no child-care facilities so any children attending should be supervised at all times)


Looking for some company for an afternoon?


You’re invited to join us on the first Thursday of every month  (1pm-3pm) for a chance to come together with our local community over hot drinks, refreshments & cake. 


It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect and enjoy some delicious treats in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. 


We look forward to seeing you there and it’s all free of charge!

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Community Coffee Mornings are held at TIMC on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 10am - 1pm.  


There is free hot & cold drinks and toast available. It’s a great opportunity to take time to meet new friends & take part in activities and great conversation.


The Coffee Mornings are open to anyone, regardless of your faith background. We're just offering tea, toast and time to chat and play board games - the atmosphere is warm, friendly and possibly slightly competitive on occasions, but always a good laugh.  (TIMC are excited to be working on this in partnership with  Kings Church).

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Please bring a packed lunch, drinks, walking shoes/boots and clothing appropriate to the weather conditions.  Each walk will include a short reflection on a Bible passage and a prayer.  If you have any queries, please complete the 'get in touch' form below and we will reply as quickly as possible.​​​​​

  • There is no date yet for further walks this year.  Further information will be published when announced in 2025.



Come and join us at Sunday morning Explorers - 10.30 am every Sunday morning.  The sessions last for anything between 1 hour - 1.5 hours and all kids must be accompanied by a responsible adult for the first part of the service.


We will be exploring Bible Values in a fun

and  exciting way.


Explorers (ages 8+)

Mini Explorers (ages 3-7)


(All our kid's leadership team go through an application process and a full Disclosure check. All children should be accompanied by a responsible adult

for the first part of the service).

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We welcome all ages.  Parents of children can relax.  God put the 'wiggle' in your children so don't feel you have to suppress these 'wiggles' in God's house.  We have kid's activity bags that you can use during the service.


  • Consider sitting toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to engage

  • Quietly explain the parts of the service and actions of those at the front

  • Sing the hymns, pray & voice the responses children learn behaviour by mimicking you

  • If you have to leave the worship with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back.  As Jesus said, "Let the children come to me"

Get In Touch
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Primrose Street North, Tyldesley,

Manchester, M29 8BQ





2025 Tyldesley Independent Methodist Church

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