This verse is one of God's promises. There are a lot of promises in the bible and we know God will keep his promises because He is faithful, unlike human promises which can be broken. In this promise God says He will be with us all the time in all of our difficult times.
Being a Christian does not mean we will not go through difficult circumstances - what it does mean is that we have someone, Jesus, who will go through the difficult circumstances with us.
There is a poem called 'Footprints' and in it a person is talking to God on a beach. He looks back on his life and notices the footprints and then sees that in some places there was only one set of footprints. The person asks;- "why were you not with me during those hard times? Why did you leave me?"
God answers, "I did not leave you - where there is only one set of footprints - that is when I carried you".
As mentioned before, God is faithful and keeps His promises. He will be with us in all of our circumstances the good and the difficult ones and sometimes, if needed, He will carry us.
But for Him to do this we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that we can be forgiven - reconciled to God
Ask Him into your heart as your Lord and Saviour if you haven't already done so, and enjoy a relationship that is assured and secure.
[written by Lynda Hunter]