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for the joys & for the sorrows

January can feel a long and perhaps even difficult month. After the celebrations and excitement often experienced by many in December, there can be a tendency to feel that January is a bit flat. There’s even a day in January called Blue Monday which was so coined to mark the most ‘depressing day of the year.’ It doesn’t exactly scream ‘Happy New Year’ does it?

Just over a month has passed since tinsel and turkey were the norm for many…and yet, that sense of hope often felt at that time of year can sometimes feel a lifetime away come the end of January.

But the message of Christmas is not meant to be confined to the period in which we celebrate it. That message of God loving us so much that he decided to become one of us is timeless: Immanuel - God with us. He felt like we felt and therefore knows how we feel.

The message of the manger leads to the glory of the cross. Through joyful celebrations and difficult disappointments, from the magnificent to the mundane – He is still the same. For every situation that we face, we have Jesus.

Wherever you are this day, however you are feeling, may you know that He is with you in that place too.

[written by Andrew Hunter]

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Manchester, M29 8BQ

2025 Tyldesley Independent Methodist Church

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